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martha at the BT
Sarah Craig Desmond photo BATTLE of the RIM 8-20-2022 299698547_10229328098931278_48195892
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Here's how to get involved with Machias Historical Society

The purpose of the Society is to promote the understanding and enjoyment of Machias History.  There is something of interest for all ages.  The Society meets monthly, with regular meetings of the Reenactors and the Margaretta Days Festival Planning Committee. 

Advertise your  Business

  Advertising in the souvenir Festival magazine is a great way to support the Festival, which is free to the community, and to have your name displayed for the whole year.

Your support makes a difference!  Financial contributions help fund the the Margaretta Days Festival which is free to the public because of you!  Your donation also supports the Revolutionary War Reenactors of Downeast Maine.  They carry history to our schools, participate in the Festival, appear in films and as guests of other towns and organizations.

Join Our Artisan/Craft Fair

Join our Artisans and Crafters for a wonderful day long celebration, selling your wares and getting to know your community!


Volunteer opportunities are many within the Machias Historical Society, whether a few hours a year or on a regular basis throughout the year, there is something of interest

for you! 


Contact us via the form link above or  email us at machiashistoricalsociety

Or Mail us at

Machias Historical Society

P.O. Box 754

Machias, ME 04654 


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