Revolutionary War Reenactors of Downeast Maine
Machias Historical Society and the Reenactors
A group of individuals from the Machias Valley began discussing the idea of forming a reenacting group in the winter of 2017. Each of the founding members brought unique skills and ideas that made the group an immediate success, and it has grown since then. The group had a natural association with the Machias Historical Society providing mutual benefit. We joined forces! The Revolutionary War Reenactors of Downeast Maine organized in association with the Machias Historical Society in 2018.
The group has a number of men, women and children who portray roles of patriots, camp followers, farmers, activists, nurses, woodsmen, sellers of goods, British soldiers, spys, and sailors. Native Americans often join the reenactments in their roles as allies to the patriot cause.
The Reenactors have performed in a variety of films including the well-known PBS program "A Taste of History" and the acclaimed series "Machias,The Story of Us" found on our Gallery page.
Many reenactors have traced their ancestry to our first settlers and patriots of the colonial period in Machias. This enhances the experience for those individuals.
If you are interested in learning more about being a reenactor, consider joining the Machias Historical Society.

Sharing History
These photos demonstrate examples of how the Revolutionary War Reenactors of the Machias Historical Society help inspire interest in history among children and adults alike.

Making Fire with Bow Drill

Teaching Moments

The Long Shot in August 1777